Nepal Earthquake: Google launches Person Finder tool to find your relative and loved ones in Nepal

World's top search engine provider Google has started a Person Finder tool to find the victoms ofthe of earthquake in Nepal's Himalayan Kingdom. The web application will help  to gather and relay information about those who are affected by the devastation.

The web application is aimed at helping individuals to post details of and search for the status of family members or friends affected by the earthquake. The application has two boxes

  1. I'm looking for someone 
  2. I have information about someone

For those who are looking for someone trapped or lost in the disaster, they can click on 'I'm looking for someone' and type in his/her name.

Similarly, if an individual wants his relatives or friends to know that he is safe, or if he has heard from someone or about someone stuck in the disaster affected area, then he can share the information through 'I have information about someone'.

Google's People Finder tool is available both in English and Nepali.

Please Please share it to more and more people.

Also read: Apple battle gets costlier for Samsung hurting its profits margins.

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